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It's All About Love
© Now, 2005 Sonic Freedom™ - Tim Mainka

SongU Review

Hi Tim. Cool song. You are obviously attempting to market your own music rather than pitch it to other artists (though we'd all like a platinum cut wouldn't we?). In a strictly artistic sense, I like the exuberance of the lyric, the way you involve yourself by identifying (and asking us to identify) with the character in the story. You've avoided mundane fact-to-fact reporting with some poetry in lines like "His spirit flies when he shares warm eyes" and "He'll truly die, for his butterfly" which gives the lyric internal rhyme and color. The audience inclusion is a unique approach and adds some lightness to an otherwise serious idea. John's devotion to this (possibly) imaginary woman (who could also be real if interpreted that way) is idealistic and romantic which matches the youthful energy in the music and the track. The mixture of ideal one-on-one love and universal love ("who else wants to give more love") is appealing in it's simple reduction to the most basic of all human needs.

The form of the song is nearly A-A-A with the hook being a part of the A-Section. As I was listening I was wanting to hear a modulation in the middle of the song-- unaware of course that you planned a modulation series at the end. All I can say is I like what you've done with this however, the song did lack some energy at the mid-point (again in purely commercial terms, not to criticize your art). The instrumental section could easily have gone to a slightly different chord progression which might have provided sonic interest. The end is great, undeniably infectious. Anyone who hangs on till the end of the song won't be disappointed with the raw release of energy. In terms of pitching the song to other artists we, as songwriters, face the daunting dilemma that many A&R people and producers make snap decisions about songs and if after 2 minutes they don't hear a certain development in the song they tend to turn off the CD player. Hard facts of life. I wonder if you could edit the very first section of the end modulation into the middle of the song (without the vocal stuff), then return back down to the original key for "he has his fun..." and complete the song as you have it. Just a thought. My ear wanted a change mid-way but I'm just one more guy with an opinion. I like the song.

No problems.

As the artist presenting his own work, very good commercial potential. As a song to pitch to others I didn't get any good ideas for who you might pitch it to.

You have a lot of talent as a multi-instrumentalist and producer. The vocal is good but a few spots might want some better intonation. Your writing is fresh and passionate. If your goals are marketing your own music I'd say you have potential through the Indy markets. You'll need to be performing though. None of the Indy labels will touch an artist who doesn't haul his ass around the college and club circuit. Good luck!

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